experiences we shared together that we think are worth sharing...
Saturday, February 2, 2008
we had food delivered from zhuang, a chinese restaurant near our shop. it's a not-so-big restaurant beside the supermarket. and i was delightfully surprised to find out that the food was actually good! it's even better than superbowl, the restaurant where we used to order food from when we wanted chinese food... so lynn and i are more than satisfied.. and as usual, i ordered too much so i will have some of it for dinner.. :)
this really is more like a food blog! I'm so hungry!!!!
You always order too much. LOL. The food looks fantastic! Much much better than the junk i I get at the Chinese restaurant here.
belle: yeah it IS more of a food blog!!! hahaha!!!
john: true john! i always order too much!!! but they were quite delicious!!!
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